Highest Rated Books On Goodreads

Guide On Highest Rated Books On Goodreads For Book Lovers 

The launch of Goodreads in January 2007 has been a good development for book readers. It is a book-centric review website and will help you locate the book you love to read. This is a site for readers and the book recommendations will assist you in finding the books that you will love to follow. The highest rated books on Goodreads are genuinely nice because over 90 million members have rated them.

List of the top 9 Books Highest Rated Books on Goodreads

Here are some of the highest rated books on Goodreads that you can pick up and enjoy reading in your spare time. The books are accessible online and you can place your order.

1: Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone

It should surprise readers that all seven novels of the Harry Potter series are among the highest rated books on Goodreads.  However, there is always a special place in the hearts of readers for the first edition. This is the edition that introduces us to Harry and his muggle relatives. It describes the initial period of Harry’s life at The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. It enjoys a 4.46 million rating out of 5. Over 5.5 readers have rated this book, and this series’s follow-up novels enjoy ratings of 4.35.

2: Divergent

This is also amongst the highest rated books on Goodreads and over 2.9 million readers have given their ratings. This book enjoys a good score of 4.19 and this is the initial installment of the famous Veronica Roth series. The central character is Beatrice Prior and the story is about a dystopian society. Traits and attributes separate every character. The book gives insights into a society where every character at 16 will have to select a faction that they will be loyal to for the rest of their lives.

3: The Hate U Give

This is the work of Angie Thomas and is amongst the highest rated books on Goodreads. This is a book that has a real-life touch because it draws inspiration from the latest movement titled “Black Lives Matter”. This is the movement that ignited the US a few years back. The protagonist is a 16-year-old character by the name of Starr Carter. He lives in a poor locality but attends a wealthy prep school. This is a classic novel that enjoys a 4.5 rating. A mammoth size of 5,05,000 book readers have given their ratings, and this work is on the” YA” list

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4: The Hunger Games

This is the work of Suzanne Collins and published in 2008. This work is on the list of the highest rated books on Goodreads.  The author has presented readers with a dystopian Hunger Games trilogy and this is the first edition. Over 6.3 million readers have rated this work, and it enjoys a rating of 4.3. The protagonist is Katniss Everdeen and he is a rebel against the rulers of the post-apocalyptic state of Panem. Here children are forced to participate in an annual fight-to-the-death battle that is titled “Hunger Games”. Some readers say it is breathless, while others have referred to it as brutal. However, you will find it interesting to read.

5: Clockwork Angel

This is a 2010 novel and the work of author Cassandra Clare. Readers have rated this work highly on Goodreads. This story is a supernatural series set in 1878 London. Tessa, as a 16-year-old arrives to trace her brother but only to be kidnapped by two evil sisters. A group of smart rescuers who call themselves Shadow Hunters are assigned the job of rescuing her. This great piece of writing has received 5,74, 000 ratings and enjoys 4.3 stars. A reader sums up the feeling by saying she “shivered in excitement” during reading.

6: Wonder

This is another work to follow as you are searching for the highest rated books on Goodreads. This is the work of RJ Palacio and it conveys the story of a 12-year-old kid. This is a tragic story of a kid being born with several facial defects. Every time he meets strangers they grasp at him causing discomfort. The journey follows the kid as he enters school for the first time and makes every attempt to overcome the shame he is burdened with. A mammoth of 5,43,000 readers has rated this book and it enjoys an average rating of 4.45.

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7: The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

This is a humorous book and the work of Douglas Adams. It has some comedy but this is a scenic fictional story and it starts as a radio show way back in 1978. The protagonist is Arthur Dent and he works for company alien travel writer Ford Perfect. Both of them wander into the universe after the demolition of the earth. This is a popular work of the author because the story has been adapted into feature films & television shows. Over 1.43 million surfers on Goodreads have rated this book and have given this work an average score of 4.22.

8: Calvin & Hobbes 

This comic strip is the work of Bill Waterson and is among the highest rated books on Goodreads. It was first published in 1987 the protagonist is a 6-year-old kid named Calvin. He is mischievous and has a tiger sidekick by the name of Hobbes. This work has been a favorite comic book for many years now. This work has received 1,30,000 ratings at an average of 4.6. Plenty of Goodreads members are ready to say that this is the best comic book.

9: East Of Eden

This is the work of John Steinbeck and was first published in the year 1952. Seven decades later it is still among the highest rated books on Goodreads.  3,68,000 Goodreads users have rated this book and given it an average of 4.36. It tells the story of two brothers Adam and Charles Tsask. It is a masterpiece that speaks about jealousy & betrayal and all the innocence between the siblings are lost.


This is a complete update on the highest rated books on Goodreads. If you are an avid reader and you would like to follow some of the best work of renowned authors, this is the complete list. You can order any of these books from Goodreads and they will ship them quickly to your desired destination.