does birth control make you moody

Birth Control: Options, Types and Their Effectiveness

When it comes to choosing the right birth control can be a difficult task. You will have to know the options and the variations available, which will help you pick the right type of contraceptive. The variety of options available helps you select the right product for you and your partner.

Birth control is a medicine, method or device a person uses to avoid the possibility of pregnancy. There are various birth control types, including pills, intrauterine devices or IUDs, vasectomy and condoms. Some forms of birth control work better than others which is why choosing the right fit is essential. Though various types of birth control are available, it works correctly when one knows how to use it following the right conditions. For this, one must learn the ways to use birth control and how to use it for effective results. It is essential for those who are active sexually as using birth control becomes a top necessity.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is vital to learn about the ins and outs of birth control. Each birth control works differently, and people often ask, does birth control make you moody? As varied birth control comes with its varied side effects, making one moody is also one of the specified to certain birth controls, like pills. The following will feature the detailed options, types and effectiveness of the options available for birth control.

Let us learn all about birth control.

What are the options for birth control?

The following are the available birth control options:

  • The barrier method: It is where the male and female use condoms, the cervical cap, the diaphragm and the contraceptive sponge.
  • The short-acting hormonal method: It includes contraceptive pills, the vaginal ring, contraceptive injection and skin patch. These short-acting methods are effective but require one to memorise their use in a daily, weekly or monthly span.
  • The long-acting hormonal methods: The long-acting methods include the copper IUD, contraceptive implant and the hormonal IUD. These are the long-acting methods, as these last for about 3 to 10 years after their insertion. Its duration lasts depending on the device and whether you decide to get it removed.
  • The sterilisation method: Sterilisation is the permanent method of birth control which involves tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men.
  • The vaginal gel or spermicide method: These are the non-hormonal options for birth control. Spermicide is the type of contraceptive which kills the sperm or stops it from moving. On the other hand, the vaginal PH regulator gel helps stop the sperm from moving so that they cannot fertilise the egg. These gels are usually used by applying them in the vagina right before having sexual intercourse.
  • The fertility awareness methods: It focuses on the methods which require knowing the days of the month when the woman can get pregnant, which is based on the basal body temperature and the cervical mucus. To avoid the possibility of a pregnancy, one must not have sexual intercourse around the fertile days or use a barrier method of birth control for extra protection.

Apart from these, there is also an emergency contraception option, the morning pill, available for various brands. It is the pill one should take the next morning to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Thus, these varied birth control options are very useful and come with varying levels of effectiveness depending on their usage efficiency.

What is the working mechanism of the varied birth control options?

All the various types of birth control come with different working mechanisms. These include:

  • Works by preventing sperm from reaching the egg
  • Damages the sperm or inactivates
  • Prevents the release of an egg each month
  • Some alter the lining of the uterus so that a fertilised egg does not get attached to it
  • Thickening the cervical mucus which makes it hard for the sperms to travel through it

These are the ways birth control works. Each comes with a unique working mechanism and effectiveness.

How to pick the right birth control?

When picking the right birth control, one must consider a few factors. The common query about does birth control make you moody?, comes secondary to some essential primary factors that help one evaluate the best available option. The factors are as follows:

  • Look into the ease of use and the comfort of your choice of method
  • The effectiveness of birth control in preventing pregnancy and its correct usage
  • Protection against the highly alarming sexually transmitted infections or STIs
  • Considering your age and overall health is essential
  • Pregnancy plans
  • The possible side effects and associated risks
  • The frequency of sexual intercourse and the number of partners one has
  • Privacy of the birth control method one is using
  • The other benefits include getting lighter periods or more predictable menstrual cycles every month.

These are some factors to consider when choosing the right birth control to help you pick your right fit.

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Which is the most effective form of birth control?

Maintaining birth control is quite a tough task as it requires one to keep a check and be mindful. Birth control shows its effectiveness only when it is used correctly and effectively. Usually, the type of birth control which is convenient and does not require much maintenance is the most effective. It includes birth control implants, sterilisation and intrauterine devices or IUDs.

Usually, doubling up on birth control is the safest and best option, which involves using birth control and a condom. It is possibly the best option as it keeps you safe from STIs, and you are using a barrier method and taking hormonal medications all at once. Fertility awareness or pulling out is the least effective of the other forms of birth control available.

Thus, these are the essential know-how of birth control. These guidelines will educate you about the varied types, options and most effective birth control methods. You will also be able to pick the right type of birth control by considering the factors mentioned earlier. Birth control is a top necessity and requires the correct usage for its effectiveness.


1. Does birth control make you moody?

Yes, some types of birth control do make one moody. It is an oral contraceptive which triggers mood swings in women.

2. Which is the best form of birth control?

The form of birth control which is convenient and affordable is the best for long-term usage.

3. Are there side effects of birth control?

Yes. Birth controls come with a range of side effects for which one must consider the doctor’s opinion.